Friday, December 21, 2012

We Need a Little Christmas

I've been trying to come up with an appropriate holiday post but the spirit keeps flitting away from me. All I know is, this song has been in my head these past two weeks, and I think, given the overall global circumstances, it is highly appropriate: 

Haul out the holly
Put up the tree before my spirit falls again
Fill up the stocking
I may be rushing things, but deck the halls again now

For we need a little Christmas
Right this very minute
Candles in the window
Carols at the spinet

Yes, we need a little Christmas
Right this very minute
It hasn't snowed a single flurry
But Santa, dear, we're in a hurry

So climb down the chimney
Turn on the brightest string of light I've ever seen
Slice up the fruitcake
It's time we hung some tinsel on that evergreen bough

For I've grown a little leaner
Grown a little colder
Grown a little sadder
Grown a little older

And I need a little angel
Sitting on my shoulder
Need a little CHristmas now

For we need a little music
Need a little laughter
Need a little singing
Ringing through the rafter

And we need a little snappy
"Happy ever after"
Need a little Christmas now.

Have a Happy Christmas
(or the holiday of your choice)
and a Great New Year

See you in 2013!

For those out there (both of you) who have never heard this song or are otherwise unfamiliar with the tune, I have included this video. I was hoping for a better, more festive and familiar one, but this is the only one I could find on YouTube that did not begin with a 30-second advertisement for an iPad or HSBC or was otherwise simply a jumble of nonsense some jackass uploaded, which sort of feeds into what I'm getting at:

Oh, and when I attached the video, I put the URL in the box and the search came up with the following:

What on earth Interactive Sex has to do with a Christmas song is beyond me, 
but again, it simply emphasizes what I'm feeling about the season.


  1. Happy Holidays to the Harlings. It seems like Christmas celebrations are more subdued in England which is as it should be. The TV schedule is one holiday special after another. Some of them are resurrected from decades ago! You probably watched them as a child, yet every year they come out with some new ones and add them to the list of creaky old ones until you get so sick of Christmas you can't wait to get it over with!
    I have an English friend who tells me that when she came to the US she had a terrible time getting used to us saying "you" instead of "one". I think of that when I write but then I decide that if I started using "one" instead of "you" I would sound phony and stuffy. So, I still use "you" all the time, but I'm now self-conscious about it.
    When I started reading the lyrics to "We Need a Little Christmas" the tune popped right into my head. That's because almost all the radio stations are playing Christmas songs for the entire month before the holiday. It's crazy-making! I think we need a whole lot less Christmas.

    1. I guess what I'm getting at is we need more of the real Christmas spirit, and a lot less of the capitalistic orgy Christmas is turning into--and that includes all the "specials" and the constant music, etc. So, in that sense, I heartily agree with you.

      Have a nice (subdued) Christmas ;)

  2. I love this song! Smile whenever I hear it :)

